Medicines. homes.
Supported by MASI Grant, Swansea University
Medicines. homes.
is a research project about how we stock, use, and discard medicines in our homes.
Medicines are an environmental and health risk
Medicine waste
Visual ethnography
Focus groups
Representative UK-wide survey with 450 participants, in February 2024.
Insights of the analysis are soon to be published.
Documenting how medicines are being stored in homes.
We collect stories and photos of medicines at home.
Photos of meds are being taken now in Wales.
Focus groups about attitudes, perceptions and the role of medicines in our lives and homes.
share your story
Ready to share your story?
We are happy to take a photo of your medicines in your home
The photos of medicines in homes will be part of curated art exhibitions
Participation is voluntary
Ethical approval by School of Management’s Research Ethics Committee, Swansea University
Data Protection Act 2018
For more information contact us
For more information
Dr Julianna Faludi
Swansea University
Dr Amy Isham
Swansea University
Email: julianna.faludi(at)
Dr Jennifer Gatzemeier
Swansea University
Jamie Hayes
Director of Welsh Medicines Resource Centre
Honorary Senior Lecturer
School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Service
Cardiff University